God time flies. With less than 5 weeks away from my C-Section, I am so anxious for the day to come. I need to take more pictures of Salma and my belly. Soon there will be two of them; two little girls to love and cherish, two little girls to enjoy and take care of.
I am giving Salma as much attention as I can. I want her to feel love as always, but I want these last days as 'only child' to be special. Yesterday, I started to teach her a little bit of Pre-School stuff so I can get her ready for next year. To my surprise, she already knew most of the stuff I wanted to teach her. That's my girl! I am planning on taking her out these days (if I am feeling ok). I already signed her up for some play dates with our Mommy group and I am thinking of inviting my parents next Saturday to her story time so that they can see how much fun she has there. We always talk about it and it would be a nice excuse to have breakfast at Barnes and Noble (hum! cheesecake).