we had no posts at all. That is why here is some pictures from this month.
We begin with Kelsey. We had her 9 months-old check up.
She weighted 18 lbs and 6 ounces and 27 1/2 height. The doctor gave her the ok to eat "puff cereal" She loves it. She had to learn how to pick them up, but in two days she was a pro. The funny part is that, I clapped every time she got one into her mouth. So she learned how to clap! Now, when she puts one in her mouth, she claps.

Here is Kelsey trying to bite her big sister. Good thing she does not have any teeth yet.

We had quite a few doctor's appointments this month. From baby K's check up, ear infeccions, colds, dentist check ups, and flu shots.

I like this in black and white.

Sometimes, Salma gets a bit jelous of her sister. Like here, I've got a headband for K and she wanted to wear one also.

Sister love,

She looks so cute. I like to see her wearing leggings. She has chubby legs.

We went to see "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe" on her birthday. Also, we presented Kelsey to her as we did 3 years ago with Salma.

Outside church. I was holding her so I could not see her well to take the picture. But that smile makes me smile.

Here is Salma with Grandpa V. He is helping her build a snowman. At the end, he did all the work.

Playing a little bit before going to bed.

We went to the library for a movie. We knew Santa was going to be there. Here she is wearing a reeindeer headband she won. Kelsey stayed home with abuelitos because it was very very cold.

Love them both.

I hope you like the pictures.