about what is coming. Salma is going to start school next week. Oh yes! it is marked with pretty colors in our calendar. excited about what is coming for her, new friends, new routines, art work, songs, and many things that I am sure she would love. What I am not so excited about is the fact that back to school means bringing home germs that she gets in school. She will also go back to her swimming classes next month. I love to see her in the water. Having fun and always wanting to go back.
I love the way they play together. I love that they have each other. I love that Salma is always concern about her little sister. Like, she cannot have ice-cream by herself. She will always say "...but what about Kelsey" I love it when they wear the same type of pajamas. I love it when they hug and kiss.
Le encanta estar afuera. Correr detras de su hermanita. Acostarse en el pasto con los brazos detras de la cabezita. Arrancarle las flores/hojas del jardin de la Abuelita. Patear la pelota. Comer helado (uno entero) ella sola. Que la lleves de la mano y camines con ella por todo el alrededor de la casa. Que le invites de lo que comes (asi ella ya haya o este comiendo lo mismo). Te queremos mucho baby.
So we did go to the beach last week. Our little girls were thrilled! As soon as we got there, they wanted to go in the water. The water was good and even a bit warm. They played, laughed and even ate some sand (Kelsey) One funny thing, Kelsey kept trying to clean her feet from the sand. She did not care when she was playing in the water (like below picture) but when she was out, she wanted me to clean them.
She wanted to ride the train, subway, bus, ferry, well you name it. I love it when: Me: "let's get ready, we are going out" ... Salma: "Where?? Moma" Me: "You'll see.." Salma:"but you have to tell me.." Me: "Oh, no it is a surprise" Salma: "Yeah!!!"