Salma: "Mommy can you put me back in your tummy?
"I want to go to the hospital"
"I want to be a baby again"
I had to explained her that she is a big girl now and it is more fun. She can go to places and run, play, eat, etc. Things that her little sister cannot do it now because she is a baby.
I think she wants that because lately Kelsey is having all the "fun toys" (e.g. swing, jumper, caterpillar, excerciser, etc) and gets more attention from Mommy. She even said that she wants a bottle!
Here is a pic of my little girl (If I remember corretly she was around 7-8 months old)
Why is she doing this? It might be because I sat Kelsey once in the hair chair and I think that is why she wants it now.
P.S. You will always be my baby.
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