Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kelsey update

1. She had her 1 year check up last Saturday. Everything went well until the moment of her getting her shots :( not a pretty thing. My little girl cried and kicked as never before. She did not like it at all. The good thing is that 10 minutes later, she was fine at ate some tortillas for lunch.

2. She says: Mama, Teddy, hello, and in her language Salma. We are beginning to hear her beautiful little voice more often.

3. She is beginning to wear dresses. She looks so beautiful and different.

4. She is a pro with the walker.

5. She thinks that because she is sitting in her highchair she must eat all the time she is there. Do not even think about sitting her just for fun, nope you must give her something to eat.

6. If we are all eating on the table, she refuses to eat from her plate and moves her head saying "no" and points at your plate like saying "I want from yours" but most of the time, we all are eating the same thing.

7. She is weighting 21 lbs 10 ounces and she is 28 inches tall.

8. She still prefers her sister's Teddy bear instead of her Walle Bear.

9. She plays peek-a-boo and "hides" by covering her eyes (how cute).

10. Today, she ate strawberries and loved them. She kept asking for more.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Flashback Friday

Our vacation to Veracruz, Mexico.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ears pierced

Last week, we went to have Baby K's ears pierced. She was so braved. She almost did not cry. She just made a sad face and wanted me to hold her. Salma did not like to see her little sister in pain.

P.S. Do you like my new hair do?

Little Miss S

The other day Salma and I wanted to have some tea, but we needed something to have the tea with. So, she and I baked a chocolate cake.

Felipe and I had a surprise for her. She did not know until we showed up to her class. She was more than thrilled. I believe, she is the youngest in her class.

Here she is after class. She did not want to leave. "I want to go to the big pool now, Mommy"

Got teeth?

I finally got to photograph Baby K's teeth. They came out when she was 11 months old.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Tuesday

We went to story time last Saturday, Kelsey is enjoying it a lot. Now, she claps, smiles, and has lots of fun.

Doesn't she look cute with her blue jeans?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Acampando en el atico..

Anoche algo paso con la calefaccion de la casa. De repente dejo de funcionar. Y si que estuvo frio ayer. Tempranito nos pasamos para el atico. El unico lugar de la casa que tiene calefaccion electrica. Aqui estamos ahora manteniendoos calientitos mientras toda la casa esta helada. Son las 10:20 am y recien llegan a ver lo que este descompuesto. Oh, cuando te dicen estaremos ahi entre 8:00am y 4:00pm, solo te queda esperar.

P.D. Son las 11:40am y ya todo esta funcionando de nuevo. Solo nos queda esperar que la casa se caliente. Hoy la temperatura afuera es de 13 grados F que son como -10.5 Celsius.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Kelsey

Todos en casa estabamos contentos porque era cumpleaños de nuestra pequeña. Se veia tan hermosa con sus vestidos que no paraba de llenarla de besitos.

Esto solo es un poquito de las fotos que tenemos, mas adelante las mostraremos.
Feliz Semana.