Friday, August 28, 2009


about what is coming. Salma is going to start school next week. Oh yes! it is marked with pretty colors in our calendar. excited about what is coming for her, new friends, new routines, art work, songs, and many things that I am sure she would love. What I am not so excited about is the fact that back to school means bringing home germs that she gets in school.
She will also go back to her swimming classes next month. I love to see her in the water. Having fun and always wanting to go back.


P.S. I cannot believe how big she's gotten!


Anonymous said...

q preciosa estas salmita!!!! no te preocupes de nada q Dios te va a proteger de cualquier enfermedad....y se una nina muy aplicada como era tu mama. te queremos mucho y siempre mantenos al tanto en tu pagina q a tus primitas les encanta ver!!


Anonymous said...

Nadia acaso estas diciendo que Valeria era muy "muy muy" jaja...