Yes my beautiful Baby K giggled for the first time tonight. I put her on her crib to change her clothes when I started to talk to her and show her the little toys on her music mobile. Then looked at her and said "Agugugu" and all the suddent she giggled!!!! I loved it. Salma and I made a happy dance because it was for the first time.
She started to smile and cue a few weeks ago, but this is different (she made a tiny sound when she giggled). It made us laugh and celebrate it. To bad when Felipe showed up to see it Baby K did not do it. I bet we will see more of this and most often pretty soon.
These days I find myself making funny faces and noises to make her smile. The look on her little face is priceless. When you see that little baby smiling at you oh, it melts my heart.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend 2008
We did not make any plans. Sunday we wanted to take the girls to the park in Wallington. We ate breakfast in the park (love it!) You can enjoy your morning coffe with a nice breeze.
Salma had a lot of fun in the swing. "Higher Daddy higher".
While Salma played with her Daddy I decided to take a walk with Baby K on her stroller, but not for long because she threw a fit for a few minutes until she fell asleep in my arms and took a nice long nap.
Later on, we went to Babies 'R' Us to buy some clothes for Baby K. As always, Dad got away buying boy's clothes for her daughters.

Later on, we went to Babies 'R' Us to buy some clothes for Baby K. As always, Dad got away buying boy's clothes for her daughters.
I have to write it somewhere because I might forget it. When Salma had her 3 years old check up this past May she weighted 29 pounds and is 36 1/4 inches tall.
She was all excited because her Doc send her to see a Dentist for a check up (she does not know what she is getting herself into) She thinks "yeah! I am going to the dentis" like Caillou (one of her favorites shows.)
On Kelsey's two months old check up, she weighted 12 pounds 6.6 ounces and was 22 inches tall. Poor thing had 3 immunization shots on her little leg. Doctor was calling her "gordita" all the time because of how well she is growing/developing.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
I forgot..
I forgot I got these pics. I took them a couple of weeks ago.
Baby K is sleepy most of the time, but I know this won't last long. Before I know it, she will be like her big sister S that refuses to take naps. God if they ask me I would take naps everyday.
Don't they look cute together?
This is the last one, K is getting a bit tired of the camara.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Late Celebration
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Breakfast time
She loves to help me out during breakfast time. We played restaurant and she was so thrilled that I acted like the waitress while she ordered her pancakes.
Yesterday was excited for her. We went to her Pre-School open house. She could not stop giggling on her way to the school. We got to take a tour of the school, visited a classroom where she discovered how cool it is to go to school, and at the end she even used the kids bathroom (so nice everything is their own size.) She said "wow Mom look a little toilet"
Thursday, May 22, 2008
These Days..
These days we have been a bit busy. On Saturday we went for our usual Story Time, then I took Salma for her hair cut (I just looked at her and say "she needs a hair cut"). She could not stop saying how do I look Mommy?

My Little Kelsey slept all Sunday on Daddy's arms taking naps.

Poor Felipe spent the whole weekend sick.

With her new craft supplies.

Kelsey in her morning nap after her bottle.

Salma having "coffe with her friends"

My Little Kelsey slept all Sunday on Daddy's arms taking naps.

Poor Felipe spent the whole weekend sick.

With her new craft supplies.

Kelsey in her morning nap after her bottle.

Salma having "coffe with her friends"

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Your Music Mobile
Kelsey loves her music mobile. Lately, she pays a lot attention to it. As soon as I put her on her crib she starts to smile at it.
What is in it? A frog, Butterfly, worm and another one that I cannot remember right now. I love it because you start to talk to them (baby talk of course).
You even spot them from the distance. When you are in bed with me taking your bottle you see them and start to smile at them.

And what I love about this music mobile? Is that it helps me put you to sleep and you get some alone time in your crib. The orange button has a nice relaxing music that not even you fall sleep but so is your Daddy and big Sister at night time. When the music stops playing they ask me to press the button again.

Friday, May 16, 2008
The Perfect Excuse...
To watch TV all day long and only drink apple juice (and not water) is that you are sick. Yes, you got a cold a couple of days ago.
Therefore, SpongeBob Square Pants is on all day. Now when I see you watching TV you actually laugh at the programs. You understand more about what is going on with each episode. Is not just the Dora, Barney, etc's song, is everything!You learned new things, words, phrases, and many more.
That nice pink blanket was a gift from Grandma Zoyla. You love it because of the George Monkey (I don't want to tell you that he is not George, but since you like it so much) that is all over it.
And of course Teddy is always by your side.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Her Teddy Bear
Su Oso Teddy parte de la familia. Donde ella vaya el tiene que ir con ella. En casa, no importa lo que este haciendo Teddy siempre esta cargado por Salma. Como ella misma dice "Teddy Ceballos."
Mi mama y yo estamos tratando de no lavarlo muy seguido ya que no queremos que empiece a romperse. En estos momentos de su infancia, Teddy es muy especial para Salma. Con el juega, duerme, come, pasea y hay veces que hasta se pelea con su Teddy.

Mi mama y yo estamos tratando de no lavarlo muy seguido ya que no queremos que empiece a romperse. En estos momentos de su infancia, Teddy es muy especial para Salma. Con el juega, duerme, come, pasea y hay veces que hasta se pelea con su Teddy.
Su Oso Teddy parte de la familia. Donde ella vaya el tiene que ir con ella. En casa, no importa lo que este haciendo Teddy siempre esta cargado por Salma. Como ella misma dice "Teddy Ceballos."
Mi mama y yo estamos tratando de no lavarlo muy seguido ya que esta tememos que empiece a romperse. En estos momentos de su infancia, Teddy es muy especial para Salma. Con el juega, duerme, come, pasea y hay veces que hasta se pelea con su Teddy.
Tan Chiquita...
This little piggy went to the market..., me encanta darle besitos a esos piecitos gorditos. Igual que Salma los llenaba de besitos y cantaba la cancion de los cochinitos.
Esta manita tan pequenita que tiene. Tengo que disfrutar el tiempo que Kelsey es mi bebe ya que pasa volando. Cuando menos me de cuenta ya estara yendo a la escuelita como pronto lo va a hacer mi Salma. Que por cierto manana Salma tiene que ir a registrarse a el Pre-School. Quizas hasta le digan que empieze de una vez.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Kelsey fue tan linda con su mami, no se desperto en toda la noche sino hasta las 6:00 de la manana. Claro que despues tomo un poquito quedarse dormida, pero luego siguio de largo hasta las 9:45 am. Felipe tuvo que ir a trabajar por un par de horas en la manana. Asi que no desayuno en la cama para mami :( . Empazamos a alistarnos las tres ya que Felipe pasaria por nosotras. Quize vestir a Kelsey en algo especial y diferente asi que me acorde que su tio Perico y tia Maritza le habian regalado unos pantalones jeans. Talla 6 meses, me dije nada pierdo con probar a ver si le quedan, y para mi sorpresa le quedaron bien! Tan linda que se veia mi Bebe en jeans. Usualmente solo la visto en enterizos ya que son mas comodos para ella pienso yo.
Fuimos a casa de mis papas como a la 1pm. Ya todos estaban esperandonos. Quisimos salir a la yarda a tomarnos unas fotos antes de almorzar. Ahi estan mis queridos papas conmigo y mis hermosas hijas.
Ultimamente cada vez que me veo en el espejo me doy cuenta que cada dia me parezco mas a mi mama.
Casi todos estamos aqui, Felipe tomando la foto y Piero llega despues de el trabajo. Mi hermano Miguel y su prometida Karen. Asi es,m hoy nos dijo que se casan este fin de mes. Felicidades para los novios.
Sino me equivoco esta es la primera foto que nos tomamos en familia. Ya somos cuatro! K and S son tan lindas, Dios las bendiga siempre.
Mis queridos papas,
La Abuelita Zoyla con su ultima nieta, Kelsey.

Fuimos a casa de mis papas como a la 1pm. Ya todos estaban esperandonos. Quisimos salir a la yarda a tomarnos unas fotos antes de almorzar. Ahi estan mis queridos papas conmigo y mis hermosas hijas.
Casi todos estamos aqui, Felipe tomando la foto y Piero llega despues de el trabajo. Mi hermano Miguel y su prometida Karen. Asi es,m hoy nos dijo que se casan este fin de mes. Felicidades para los novios.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I did it!
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