So, lately I am getting the "I can do it by myself" all the time. I feel happy for her because she is growing up, but also I feel kind of sad because she is my baby and I want to do it for her or help her. Also, sometimes "no, you cannot do it by yourself yet" My baby looks so big brushing her teeth, washing her hands or putting on her pajamas "all by herself" Last week, we wanted to make something together. We decided to put what we learned before to practice and made some pizza. It was pretty good.
My lovely Mother's Day present? Just look at them. I was very happy to see my 3 loves together. They let me sleep until 9:30 am. When I woke up, breakfast was served. Peruvian! Later on, I watched a movie (a long movie) with no interruptions. They made me a hand made card. Just lovely. For lunch, we did not go out. Too much chaos. We decided to take out. Later on, we met with my family at the park. It was nice but windy. We had a nice time. I just had a lovely day. Thank you so much honey. I love you very much and you always make me happy.
Here is little S with her bike. She actually got it 2 years ago but she was too small for it. Today, she rode her bike for the first time by herself. She was very excited about it. Tomorrow, she gets to go to the park and ride her bike.
Yes, by 8:30 A.M. we were out heading to the park. Nice weather, no too many people out in the park, nice and quiet. That is what I used to do with Salma. We would get up early, get some breakfast and eat it at the park. Then, we would play for a while and when it started to get hot, humid, and crowded we would go back home. We had a nice time, just the three of us. Daddy got a brake and went back to sleep.
Little K is a big baby now and wants to try everything out. Sometimes she takes your hand off her because she wants to stand by herself.
This slide was a bid scary for her last year, but not now.
Kesley kept looking at her big sister. She had a good time at the swing.
And of course, big Sis' had to help her out.
Every now and then Salma checked how her sister was doing. Kisses..
The park was nice. Last year they were working on the pond and we can see they did a nice job. Salma loved the new "riachuelo" and wanted to take all the rocks out.
Later on, Salma and I went to the pool. Nice! we had a great time together.