Sunday, August 31, 2008

fin de semana largo..

Aprovechando el fin de semana largo, nuestra familia se reunio en casa de mis papas para preparar algo en la parrilla y despedir el verano.
Los ninos fueron los que mas se divirtieron. Corrieron, jugaron, se mojaron y la pasaron chevere.

Aqui esta Salma con su primita V.

Chiquitica explorando el sprinkler.

Little D, Little S, and Little V.
Salma emocionada ya que le cantabamos Happy Birthday a "Uncle P" y sabia que iba a comer cake.
Divirtiendonos y sonriendole a la camara. (gracias abuelito Vale por posar para la foto)
Los abuelitos (por ahi esta mi papa) y sus nietas.

Baby K con sus abuelitos.

Salma mandandole un beso a su mami.

Aqui un video de las bebes para la TIA PAOLA.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

summer 08

This was a nice summer for Salma. This was the summer of new things, the summer of learning and the summer of adventures. She is 3 years old now and we wanted her to enjoy it.
She did many things like: visited the local zoo,
wen to play at the parks,

went to the movies,

cooked with her mommy, grandma and even took a class,
went to the water park,
spent time with her little sister, went to the beach, did some crafts,
learned her ABC's, numbers, Daddy's phone number, spell her name, shapes, etc, went to the local bookstore for story time, rode a horse for the first time, saw fireworks, eat lots of ice-cream, played in the kiddo pool, played with her cousins and one of her favorites, spent time with grandma Z. Well, it was nice, she had lots of fun. Now she is waiting to begin Pre-K next Wednesday. I can not believe my little girl is going to school already. It is true, time does go by quickly.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Flashback Friday

Here is Little Salma and her proud Papa. For some reason every time I saw them both wearing white I wanted to take a picture of them together. They just looked gorgeus.

P.S. Little Miss S is so excited that she will start Pre-K next week, she can hardly wait for the day to come. She is been telling me that "I am going to school all by myself"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Videos para nuestra familia de Mexico, Peru y Venezuela

Es muy bonito ver las fotos, pero no hay nada mejor como un video.

Salma conociendo a su hermanita en el hospital. Siempre pense en este momento, como sera cuando Salma conozca a Kelsey? Creo que al principio ella estaba un poco confundida y feliz a la vez. Pero poco a poco se fue soltando y le encanto la idea de que esa bebe que estaba en la panza de su mamita y ahora en el hospital la podia llevar a su casa con ella.

Aqui tenia solo unas semanas de nacida..


Esto es lo que Kelsey hace ultimamente, gritaarrrrr!!! Asi es, no es llorando o sintiendose mal, solo se le da por hacerlo y si vieran lo curiosa que se ve....

Esta es la segunda vez que uso el bouncer.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Estos dias estan mas cerca que nunca. Kelsey esta creciendo y ya puede hacer mas cosas con su hermanita mayor. Como ser la modelo de 'Salma la Maga' cuando hace sus actos de magia. Hay veces que con su capa magica hace "desaparecer" a su hermanita y eso le divierte mucho a Kelsey y se carcajea bastante.
Salma siempre la esta haciendo reir y dando besitos en todo momento. Siempre le esta diciento "eso era de Baby Salma", "yo lo usaba cuando estaba bebe" o "pero eso es miooooo" logico que esta aprendiendo a compartir sus juguetes y demas cosas con su hermanita menor (pero a veces no es facil.)

Como aqui que tuve que ensenarle una foto de cuando era bebe ella y mostrarle que ya habia usado el "gusanito" en su momento.

Aqui esta Salmita haciendo reir a su Baby sister. Eso le encanta a Kelsey y se le iluminan sus ojitos cuando ve a su hermanita mayor.
Cuando vamos de regreso a casa del parque se para a ver si su hermanita esta bien or si tiene que arreglarle el sombrerito y siempre hay una excusa para darle un besito.
Como ven no nos pudimos esperar a que Kelsey cumpliera 6 meses para su andador o bouncer. Ayer intentamos probar ya que nos dimos cuenta que se veia lista para ellos. Ultimamente se aburria muy rapido en su asiento y se levantaba hacia delante (como queriendose salir de ahi) Al parecer le gusta mucho estar en el bouncer, se divierte y a su hermanita le encanta ensenarle como funcionan las cosas.
Salmita quiere ser participe de todo lo que su hermanita menor haga, aprenda o descubra.

Monday, August 25, 2008

More pictures....

Here are more pics from the day we went to the water park.

We did not plan to stay more than two hours, but we ended up being there for four hours. Little S just could not have enough of it. She was making friends, playing and having so much fun and since Baby K was such a good baby so we stayed a bit longer.
Here she is having a snack and wanting to go back to the water already.

My precious baby.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

this week's favorites

Here are some of my favorites pictures from this week. The weather was nice and we had to enjoy it going to the park a couple of days, water park, for walks and having fun.
Salma made friends every where she went and Kelsey got to take naps outdoors and enjoy the view.

Stop and smell the flowers.
Off to the park.

Here is Little Miss S sticking her tongue out to her mommy.
One of her favorite things to do.

Baby K ready for bedtime and not so interested in the camera.

She finally got to enjoy blowing bubbles. We always forget to bring it or it is not the right place to play with it.

As soon as she started to blow bubbles, all the kids where around her.
Baby K enjoying the weather. She is such a nice baby. Loves to be outdoors and does not mind taking a nap on the park.
Ready for our morning walk.
We sat Kelsey on this chair and she immediatelly pulled herself up.

Remember this chair? She was so tiny the first time we sat her in there. Not even one week old
Looked at her now! She is almost 6 months old.